Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Make A Personal Change. The Secret Formula That Guarantees Success!

One of the presuppositions of NLP (Neuro-LinguisticProgramming) is that there is a positive intention behind allbehaviors. And based on that presupposition, when it comes tosuccessfully eliminating negative behaviors, there is formulathat we must always keep in mind. I'll let you in on the secretin a minute. But first, I have a riddle for you to solve. Riddle: A minister made his son drink lye, which burned out hisvocal chords. What was the positive intention behind hisbehavior? If you are like 99.9% of the clients who have come into myoffice since 1978, you'll indignantly say something like:There's no positive intention behind that behavior. But youwould be 100% wrong. To answer this riddle, first you have toseparate the behavior from the positive intention of thebehavior. The minister's son was cursing. And the minister believes thatif a person curses, his soul will be condemned to Hell. So theanswer is that the minister was burning out his son's voice boxso that he couldn't curse. So he was saving his son's soul frombeing condemned to Hell. The secret formula for success works as follows: We must always respect the positive intent behind everybehavior. If we have a compulsion to use a behavior that wedon't like, we can easily get rid of the compulsion to use thatbehavior providing we find another behavior to substitute init's place that is as effective and available at accomplishingthe same outcome, but is more consciously acceptable to you.This is called a REFRAME. When clients come into my office, one of the first things thatI do is to take a through case history. Let's say that theycome in and ask me to help them overcome their appetite.Conventional wisdom tells us that the two main reasons thatpeople eat excessively are: (1) For relaxation and pleasure; (2) Because eating can be a conditioned response. For instance,if a person eats while they are watching TV, they will develop aconditioned response, and thereafter, every time they sit downto watch TV, they'll get cravings and an urge to eat. However, the above answer only takes into consideration thepossible positive intention behind the eating behavior. What ifthey also have another behavior that is involved in theequation? For example: What if being fat is also a behavior forthis person? I can hear your mind grinding right now as youthink, Being fat isn't a behavior, what are you talking about?" Sorry but you could be 100% wrong. Here is one simple classictext book example that will illustrate the fact that being fatcan be a behavior. It can be a behavior because it canaccomplish positive outcomes. Example: A woman is deeply in love. Her boyfriend breaks upwith her, and breaks her heart. Her unconscious mind wants toprotect her emotionally and prevent her from having her heartbroken again. So it motivates her to get fat to keep her out ofrelationships. That way she won't get her heart broken again.The point is that everyone is totally different. And sometimesthere are hidden elements at work causing compulsive behaviors.These are elements that are different for each person. Here is another example: A woman comes into my officecomplaining of an uncontrollable urge to overeat at dinnertime. During my case history, upon questioning, the womanexplains how she was never been able to satisfy her father. We did an age regression, and one of her earliest memories wasof eating dinner with the family. And dad was insisting in avery loud voice that she clean her plate, even though she wasfull. So she cleaned her plate out of fear, and dad commendedher for eating everything. It was one of the only times in herlife that she could recall her dad telling her that he washappy with her. Shoot forward to present day. Dad's been dead for years, butthe unconscious program he installed is still working. Shestill has a compulsion to clean her plate, even if she isfeeling stuffed, because by cleaning the plate she is gettingdad's approval, and eliminating her fear! So if you are having a problem making personal changes, keep inmind that there is a positive intention behind all behaviors.And keep in mind "The secret formula for success." 2006 By Alan B. Densky.About The Author: Alan B. Densky, Pres. Neuro-VISION, Inc Videoand Audio Hypnosis & NLP CD's Mr.Densky is the developer of the Neuro-VISION Video HypnosisTechnology, which received a US Patent. Visit our site andsubscribe to our FREE hypnosis newsletters, or download ourFREE Power Relaxation MP3's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good content and blog